Top 5 News Sources

1. Fox News 

Coming in hot at #1 is Fox News. Fox is always my go-to platform to read the news. It is not non-partisan, that's for sure, however, I find that they do a great job at presenting all the facts before going into opinions and interpretations. I think it is important that people understand that Fox News has different sections on TV for commentary (Tucker Carlson) vs. news (Brett Baier). Once you can make those distinctions, I find it to be one of the more reliable sources.

2. CNSNews 

CNSNews is a division of the Media Research Center that focuses on citing news that would otherwise be censored by liberal media. As a young conservative, I have witnessed censorship and negative stigma around republicans first-hand. I like CNSNews because they use non-partisan, reliable sources (such as PEW Research or CPI-U) when reporting news. The mission and information they publish is what makes it an attractive site for news.

3. World is One (WION) 

World is One is an international news outlet that covers hot topics all over the globe. As an international relations student, of course this would be in my top 5. It is not plagued by the drama surrounding American news outlets, nor is it filled with propaganda from various countries (i.e. Russia or China). They focus on the facts involving international news and conflicts. Particularly with current events such as the Ukraine, an international news outlet is a must on this list.

4. National Review 

The National Review is, again, a conservative news source. They publish conservative commentary 24/7 on current events nationally and globally. Not only do they publish articles, blogs, etc., but they also have the National Review Institute that works to advance the ideas of freedom through educational programs. The purpose of the whole organization is to defend and promote capitalism and democracy. Their ideals and mission are what drive me towards them.


5. CNN 

Coming in last is CNN. Based on my other sources, you can probably gather that I am a conservative, so you might be wondering why I even have CNN, a heavily liberal source, on this list. Well, let me explain. CNN is arguably as far left on the political spectrum as it gets. I often find myself reading articles from CNN not to get news, but rather to see how the other side approaches issues differently. I believe that in order for someone to be truly knowledgeable about current events, you need to hear both sides of the story. 



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