Final Post: The Impact of Social Media

It is nearly impossible to avoid social media in today’s climate. From Instagram to Facebook, Tinder to LinkedIn, social media is in every aspect of our lives. There are many pros and many cons, but I think we can all agree that the technology we have today has created a more connected, informed, and unified world than we have ever seen before.

I remember being in only fifth grade when I experienced cyberbullying for the first time. It was after I had broken up with my ‘boyfriend’ and his friends decided to go onto my Instagram and call me names. Being labeled a “slut” at age 10 can certainly do some damage to a young girl’s mental health; it actually did enough that I missed my last week of elementary school simply because I could not bear going and facing my bullies. More recently, I have received death threats and faced harassment simply because I repost something pertaining to my political views.cyb

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 have the highest incidence of mental illness than any other adult age group. Coincidentally, the Global Web Index found that people between the ages of 16 and 24 spend about 3 hours on social media per day. As icing on the cake, JAMA Psychiatry found that kids who used social media for more than the average 3 hours are at a heightened risk for mental health problems. I believe our generation has an unhealthy relationship with social media, myself included. We find ourselves spending hours just mindlessly
scrolling through pictures and videos of these idolized people. From skinny blondes, to ripped gym rats, we now live in a society where if we do not look perfect, our mental health rapidly declines.

Technology and social media do have their benefits, though. Young adults are arguably more informed with current events than ever before. Biased or not, even knowing about current political and global issues is a huge step in the right direction. On a more personal scale, families and friends are able to better communicate with each other and stay up to date on life. The University of Canada West argues

that social media platforms have “brought information to people and audiences that previously could not be reached,” and “has facilitated a resource to humankind that has unfathomable reach and benefits.” They list the essential functions that we have realized because of social media, including business strategies, online healthcare, and social justice/social movements.

I think right now, social media has become a toxic space for young minds to venture to. It has proven to injure self-esteem, increase depression, and anxiety, and be a breeding ground for cyberbullying. Current social movements are pushing for a more understanding society in terms of body-image and acceptance, which will definitely help create a better climate for young minds. Within a few years, I think it will become a place that welcomes (most) people with open arms. It already provides individuals with amazing opportunities and unbeatable forms of communication. With just a few tweaks, social media will be an integral part of society once again.


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